Friday, June 19, 2009



Temu Hitam is a bush plant, stem green and a bit soft because it is a pseudo-stem on the regular collection of pelepah leaves, stem length of approximately 50 cm, and higher plants can reach 2 meters.

Temu Hitam is a plant that can live in the wild in the forests of teak, especially on the island of Java from a height of 400-1750 meters above sea level and plant like this fertile land. Lancet-shaped leaves with wide leaf blade is thin, the color green leaves until quite dark brown keunguan. Flowers out of the armpit side of the leaf or stem. Flowers closed by 2-3 pelepah, flower stem length of 20-50 cm and the flower crown until creamy pink. Rimpang plant produces large, uniform and is a fork stem tubers.

Temu Hitam have a different name on the origin of each region: Temu Ireng (Java), Koneng Hideung (Sunda), Temo Irang (Madura), Temu Irang (Malay), Temu Hitam (Minangkabau), Temu Lotong (Bugis), Temu Leteng (Makassar ), Temu Ireng (Bali).

Temu Hitam property, among others:
* Fertile womb
* Worms
* Pile
* Painful menstruation
* Half down
* Clean up the blood after the birth
* Cough
* Increase stamina
* Increase appetite
* Water containing blood, urine
* Neutralize poisons in the body
* Skin disease such as scab, scab, ulcer
* Asthma
* Sariawan etc..

Utilization Temu Hitam To Overcoming and Preventing Crashes

Fertile womb:
25 grams Temu Hitam, 25 grams Temu Giring, 20 grams Kencur boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc ago filtered and drunk.

Hapa pain:
25 grams Temu Hitam, Kencur 20 grams, 20 grams Kunyit, 2 vertebra Asam Jawa boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, then filtered and drunk while hot.

Clean up the blood after the birth:
25 grams Temu Hitam boiled with water secukupnya. After boiling didiamkan until warm filtered ago and drunk while hot.

25 grams Temu Hitam, 5 grams Jinten, Kencur 25 grams, 5 grams Pulosari, 5 grams Adas boiled with water secukupnya. After boiling didiamkan until warm filtered ago and drunk while hot.

Neutralize poisons in the body:
25 grams Temu Hitam, 30 grams Takokak boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc and filtered ago while drunk warm.

25 grams Temu Hitam, 15 grams Bangle, 5 sheets Sirih leaves, Ketumbar seeds 5 grains, 4 grams seed Pinang ago boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, then filtered and drunk while hot.

Do it regularly according to a proposed 2 times a day. Moderate to heavy disease that still recommended to consult a doctor.

[Prof. HM Hembing Wijayakusuma, experts
trasidional treatment and acupuncture,
General Chairman of the Traditional healer
Acupuncture & se-Indonesia (Hiptri)]

Monday, June 15, 2009


* Teraphy complementary

Temulawak is a herbal medicine made from the plant Curcuma xanthorrhizae, which is known as temu buffoonery, from familia (type) Zingiberaceae. Type in this familia including Curcuma domestica or Curcuma longa, is known as turmeric, Curcuma heyneana meeting or sleigh, and Curcuma aeruginosa meeting or black. Have the root of all kinds as rimpang (rhizome), and this part is usually used to make herbal medicine.

Temulawak often used by Odha, and is in the womb Hepasil capsule, which is marketed by Kalbe Farma as' hepaprotektor '.

What purpose temulawak?

Gynecology active temu buffoonery including essential oils and some other chemicals. It seems there is no research on the benefits of the meeting buffoonery.

According to herbal medicine experts, meeting buffoonery can be used for kidney disease, fever, jaundice, gall interference in the sap, and some other problems.

Why use Odha temulawak?

This herbal medicine used by practitioners in alternative medicine, among others, to treat jaundice. Some drugs used to fight HIV can damage the heart. People infected with hepatitis B or C (HBV and HCV) are more likely to experience heart problems when using antiretroviral drugs (arv). Expected meeting buffoonery can help prevent damage to the heart.

How to meet the temulawak?

One piece of buffoonery temu sliced-egg slices, plus a tree meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria), then boiled with water up to four glasses stay three glasses. After a cold drink up to half a glass three times a day, plus one tablespoon of honey.

What side effects temulawak?

No reports about the side effects of meeting buffoonery. People with gall stones or obstructions in the bile channels should talk with your doctor before using temu buffoonery.

What buffoonery together with other drugs?

No interaction between the recorded meeting with buffoonery arv or other drugs. However, doctors should make sure we know when the meeting buffoonery.

Is useful for meeting Odha temulawak?

No clinical trials of the meeting buffoonery. No sign of that meeting buffoonery have anti-HIV action. Some experts assume that the herbal medicine temu buffoonery have action against hepatitis.


Temulawak has long used as a herbal medicine to treat various diseases. Have not reported side effects or interactions of the heavy blow.

Have not been done to the pilot temu buffoonery, especially against HIV or hepatitis. Therefore, and the fact that herbal medicine is safe and cheap, no errors when Odha want to try your own, original hopes not too high.

Some practitioners consider that the meeting buffoonery can reduce damage to the liver caused by several types of poisons, including antiretroviral drugs. (

Black Pepper Offers a Powerful Boost to Overall Health at a Very Low Cost

(NaturalNews) Black pepper does a whole lot more than hang around with salt. Researchers have recently found that black pepper can reduce the perception of pain, reduce inflammation, and combat arthritis. These discoveries follow other studies showing black pepper can block complications from diabetes, act as a powerful antioxidant and fight off colon cancer. Black pepper has been shown to substantially increase the bioavailability of nutrients from food and supplements, providing more nutrients for each dollar spent. All this makes sprinkling black pepper on food one of the easiest and most economical interventions people can make to boost their overall health status.

Piperine, the active phenolic compound in black pepper extract, was studied to determine its anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects as well as its ability to reduce the perception of pain. Piperine inhibited the expression of pro-inflammatory interleukin 6, and MMP13, a gene involved in the promotion of arthritis and metastasis. It reduced the production of a pro-inflammatory prostaglandin, even at a very low dose. When given to arthritic rats, piperine significantly reduced perception of pain and arthritis symptoms. Histological examination showed that piperine significantly reduced the inflammation in their joints. (Arthritis Research and Therapy, March 30)

Protein glycation is a process in which sugar molecules bond to protein molecules without enzymatic control. The result is the accumulation of end products that speed aging and the degeneration caused by diabetes. Scientists from the National Institute of Nutrition in India evaluated the ability of extracts from various plant-based foods to prevent the accumulation of advanced glycation end products. Black pepper, ginger, cumin, cinnamon, and green tea where the only extracts tested what showed significant ability to inhibit these end products. (British Journal of Nutrition, November 6, 2008)

The same research team investigated the ability of plants to modify aldose reductase activity, one of the mechanisms implicated in the development of various secondary complications of diabetes. Although various synthetic inhibitors of aldose reductase have been created, none of them has been effective when used clinically. Extracts from 22 plants were tested and 10 showed considerable inhibitory potential, with the greatest potential shown by black pepper, spinach, cumin, fennel, lemon, and basil. (Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition)

Black pepper is an antioxidant powerhouse

Antioxidants protect against hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Polyphenols are potent antioxidants found in plants. The research group from the National Institute of Nutrition in India worked to generate a database on the antioxidant activity and phenolic content of plant foods commonly consumed in India, and to assess the contribution of the phenolic content to their antioxidant activity. They tested plant foods belonging to different food groups such as cereals, legumes, oil seeds, oils, green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, spices, roots and tubers. They found that of all the foods tested, black pepper had the highest level of antioxidant activity and also the highest phenolic content. Antioxidant activity and phenolic content were the lowest in sunflower oil. A significant correlation was observed between antioxidant activity and phenol content in the plant foods studied. (International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, June, 2007)

Black pepper inhibits colon cancer cell proliferation

A study at St. Louis University in Missouri was designed to determine if black pepper, resveratrol from grapes, and cinnamaldehyde from cinnamon have anti-prolific effects on colon cancer. Quantitative effects of each substance on concentration responses and time courses of proliferation of cultured human colon cancer cells were assessed. Black pepper showed significant anti-proliferative activity at 24, 48 and 72 hours following administration. (Clinical Laboratory Science, Summer, 2008)

Digestion and intestinal health are improved by black pepper

Hydrocloric acid is necessary for digesting proteins and other food components. Most digestive difficulties are the result of a lack of hydrochloric acid rather than too much. Black pepper stimulates the taste buds and alerts the stomach to increase hydrochloric acid secretion, improving digestion. Without adequate amounts, undigested food can sit in the stomach for prolonged periods, leading to heartburn and indigestion. Undigested food may also pass into the intestines where it can become a food source for unfriendly bacteria, producing gas, irritation, diarrhea or constipation.

Black pepper can act as a diuretic, reducing bloating in the intestinal tract where it promotes digestive health through its antioxidant effects. The outer layer of the peppercorn can even stimulate the breakdown of fat cells, releasing energy and keeping you slim.

Piperine increases bioavailability of nutrients from food and supplements

While black pepper improves digestion and frees nutrients for absorption its piperine compound operates through several other pathways to increase the bioavailability of nutrients from food and supplements. It stimulates amino-acid transporters in the intestinal lining, regulates enzymes that metabolize nutritional substances, and inhibits the removal of substances from cells. Each of these actions allows nutrients to enter and remain within their target cells for longer periods of time than would normally be the case.

Through these actions, piperine can turn a marginally effective therapeutic substance into a highly effective one by increasing its intracellular residency time. Curcumin, a compound from the herb turmeric, is known for fighting cancer, pain, inflammation and infection. The action of curcumin, and thereby its effectiveness, is increased twenty-fold when it is taken with piperine. (Planta Medica, May, 1998)

Black pepper has been highly valued for thousands of years

Before the invention of patent medicines and drugs, when people kept themselves well through the use of natural substances, the best of the natural healing compounds were afforded the highest prestige. The New Testament of the Bible tells of the gold, frankincense and myrrh brought by the Maji to the infant Jesus. This tells us that frankincense and myrrh, substances from trees, were valued comparably to gold.

Black pepper has played a similarly important role throughout history and has been prized since ancient times. It was held in such high esteem that it was not only used as a seasoning, but as a currency and offering. Taxes and ransoms could be paid in black pepper.

Freshly ground whole organic peppercorns provide the greatest benefits

Black pepper is available whole, crushed or ground into powder. Since it is piperine that gives black pepper its kick, the more intense the flavor and heat, the greater the level of piperine. Pepper that comes pre-ground has lost much of its piperine. Purchasing whole peppercorns also assures that the pepper contains no additives.

Buying whole peppercorns and grinding them in a mill just before eating provides the highest level of piperine. Black pepper should not be added while food is cooking, as it loses its flavor, aroma and vitamin C when heated.

Although black pepper is widely available in supermarkets, local spice shops or those online will frequently offer a more expansive selection of black pepper with superior quality and freshness. Pepper that is organically grown indicates it has not been irradiated.

Keep black pepper in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool, dark and dry place. Whole peppercorns will keep for an extended period of time. Freezing makes the flavor more pronounced, and may raise the level of piperine.

Black pepper can be added to fresh vegetable juices and to most cooked and raw foods. For a real taste treat, make hot air popped organic corn drizzled with butter and sprinkled with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Salad dressing made of extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper is another winner.

Piperine can be bought as a supplement and is available from most online health retailers. It is quite inexpensive. (

Medical Edge: Food sources the best choice for antioxidants

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I keep hearing that antioxidants can help prevent disease and improve my overall health. Is this true? Should I be taking antioxidant supplements each day along with my multivitamin?

It is true that antioxidants -- such as vitamins C and E, carotene, lycopene, lutein and many other substances -- may play a role in helping to prevent diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and macular degeneration. However, research indicates that simply taking antioxidant supplements is not the best way to go about getting what your body needs. In fact, it's possible that some of these supplements could be harmful.

Fortunately, research is also increasingly showing that you can reap the potential health benefits of antioxidant intake by eating a diet rich in antioxidant-containing foods.

Antioxidants are thought to be helpful because they can neutralize free radicals, which are toxic byproducts of natural cell metabolism. Free radicals can also be introduced into the body by exposure to certain substances, such as cigarette smoke, sunlight or pesticides.

Although free radicals perform some useful immune functions, in excess or in the wrong place, they can damage healthy cells through a process called oxidation. Oxidation is thought to be a factor in the development of certain diseases. Overall, free radicals do far more harm than they do good.

Our bodies naturally produce antioxidants and are quite effective at neutralizing free radicals. The minerals copper, manganese, selenium and zinc are important players in this process. But this process isn't 100 percent effective, and its effectiveness declines with age.

One reason foods appear to be a better choice than supplements is that foods contain an unmatchable array of antioxidant substances. A supplement may contain a single type of antioxidant -- or even several types. However, foods contain thousands of types of antioxidants -- vitamin A alone has several hundred forms -- and it's not known which of these substances are able to confer benefits. In fact, many researchers theorize that antioxidants in food form chemical networks that then interact with our own cellular and genetic intricacies.

Although supplements containing antioxidants are generally considered safe, some studies have suggested that taking higher doses of supplements, such as beta carotene or vitamin E, over time may actually increase your risk of death.

When it comes to antioxidant intake, no one food or food group should be your sole focus. It's best to include a wide variety of foods as part of a healthy, well-balanced diet. Some of the better sources of antioxidants include:

• Berries: Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and cranberries are among the top sources of antioxidants.

• Beans: Small red beans and kidney, pinto and black beans are all choices rich in antioxidants.

• Fruits: Many apple varieties (with peel) are high in antioxidants, as are avocados, cherries, green and red pears, fresh or dried plums, pineapple, kiwi and others.

• Vegetables: Those with the highest antioxidant content include artichokes, spinach, red cabbage, red and white potatoes (with peel), sweet potatoes and broccoli. Although the effect of cooking on antioxidant levels varies by cooking method and vegetable, one study showed that cooking generally increased levels among select vegetables.

• Beverages: Green tea may come to mind as a good source of antioxidants, but other beverages have high levels, too, including coffee, red wine and many fruit juices such as pomegranate.

• Nuts: Walnuts, pistachios, pecans, hazelnuts and almonds are some of the top nuts for antioxidant content.

• Herbs: These may be unexpected suppliers of antioxidants, but ground cloves, cinnamon and ginger, dried oregano leaf and turmeric powder are all good sources.

• Grains: In general, oat-based products are higher in antioxidants than are those derived from other grain sources.

And for dessert -- Don't forget that a piece of dark chocolate ranks as high or higher than most fruits and vegetables in terms of antioxidant content.

As a bonus, foods high in antioxidants typically offer many other health benefits. These foods are often plant based and offer health benefits in addition to their antioxidant content, such as being high in fiber, protein, and other vitamins and minerals and low in saturated fat and cholesterol. -- Donald Hensrud, M.D., Endocrinology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester.(

Turmeric recipes: add black pepper for optimum health benefits

Turmeric SpiceTurmeric, the spice that adds bright orange color to your curry has long been used medicinally in India for healing wounds, aiding digestion and fighting infection. As reported today in Health Day, a study published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society has revealed the mechanism for turmeric’s healing powers. The study showed that curcumin, the main component in turmeric, stabilizes cell membranes and boosts resistance to infection.

Turmeric powder comes from the root of a plant that is related to ginger and is most often found in Thai and Indian curry recipes and Moroccan tagines. Because of its bright yellow/orange color, turmeric is also used as a coloring agent in processed foods like cheese, butter, salad dressings, yogurt, even pickle relish, mustard, fruit drinks and chicken broth and is sometimes used as a substitute for the more expensive saffron.

How can you incorporate turmeric’s health benefits into your cooking? Start by including black pepper any time you use turmeric in a recipe. A 1998 study at St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, India showed that curcumin alone was rapidly metabolized by the liver and intestinal wall, thus neutralizing its health effects in the rest of the body. Adding piperine, a component of black pepper, increased absorption and bioavailability of curcumin by 2000%.

In addition to using the turmeric/black pepper combination in traditional curries, you can simply add turmeric and black pepper to dishes like macaroni and cheese, scrambled eggs or potato salad. For inspiration, here’s a sampling of out-of-the-ordinary turmeric recipes:

Spicy Potatoes and Scrambled Eggs, at All

Red Pepper Soup, at

Gluten Free Chickpea Crackers, at

Bobby Flay’s Oven Roasted Cauliflower with Turmeric and Ginger, at FoodNetwork.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Ginger Health Benefits For

Red ginger
Red ginger (Zingiber officinale Roxb. Rubra var.) Or Zingiberaceae Officinale Roscoe Zingiberaceae or Officinale Rose plant is a herb semusim, erect, 40-50 cm high. Pseudo-stem, grooved, rimpang shape, the color green. Single leaf, shape lancet, flat edge, spike, base obtuse, dark green color. Compound interest, the form of ear, narrow, spire, 3,5-5 cm long, 1,5-2 cm wide, flower crown funnel shape, 2-2,5 cm long, purple. Fruit box, rounded the length, color brown.

Most of the literature written about ginger mixed with red and white ginger (elephant ginger) and yellow ginger (ginger is usually used for cooking)
It is not too surprising considering the three types of ginger has a latin name which is almost the same share beginning with the Zingiberaceae Officinale. In addition, three types of ginger has a womb that is almost the same but with a different concentration.

Jahe elephant
Forms of fat and it's not too spicy. Meat rimpang yellow to white.

Yellow ginger
Ginger is widely used as a culinary spice, especially for local consumption. Pain and aromanya quite sharp. Size rimpang are yellow.

In traditional China
Red ginger is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is said that he is the treatment and support is very small spleen, stomach / stomach and kidney (especially for men, and also classified as an aphrodisiac / stimulant substances, and a good treatment for impotensi)

Treatment in the Arab
Ginger said as red-hot in the second degree and humid in the degree kesatu. It was warm and have an effect melembutkan stomach, is also useful to the body of digestive problems such as kembung, food poisoning, and constipation.

Treatment in the West
Ginger red play an important role in the West as well as treatment in the world of East (China, Japan and India) It can be used alone or as a compound in the herbal recipe and also used as a "healing correction" against the unwanted effects of other plants. Has been proven in recent research that has ginger red womb a unique treatment that can help others become better accepted and absorbed the body.

Although the red ginger is never examined in asthma treatment, according to DR. Suwijiyo Pramono, fitofarmaka experts from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, possibly because the actual feeling of warm oil asiri that feeling relieved for cause of asthma.

"Basically, red ginger does not have the actual substance of bronko splasmolitika (astringent salve channel the breath). Possible other effects of ginger on antihistamin cause asthma calm, "said doctoral graduates fitokimia France Universite Toulose that.

However, for your ulcer patients as well as asthma, should avoid the consumption of red ginger. "Because I can gingerolnya heat and stomach irritation," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM this.

Some of the healing property of the red ginger by various web site:

Migraine, headache, dizziness, smooth blood circulation, improve digestion, flatulence, gas in the stomach split, gout & rheumatic stiff, cold, influenza

Some property ginger red are still to be proved because it seems too fantastic:

Natural Viagra, stimulates secretion breast milk, encourage production of lymph, the body's immune maintain, prevent sterility and strengthen resistance sperm. Farnesal elements contained in the plant is also able to prevent the process because penuaan stimulate skin cell regeneration.

Used based on tradition or theory
Below is a usage based on tradition or scientific theories. Most have not been tested in clinical depth of the human, so that security and kemanjurannya not really sure. Some of the conditions mentioned below can be serious and should be examined by health workers:

Drunk alcohol treatment, menetralisir stomach acid, anti-fungus, antioxidants, antiseptic, anti-convulsive, anti-virus, excitant, swollen arthritis, asthma, blood vessel stoppage, water bug (foot fungus), bacterial dysentery, kebotakan, bile water production problems, pengencer blood, body penghangat, bronchitis, bleeding, burns (applied to the skin), cancer, cholera, influenza, stomach ache, cough pereda, depression, diarrhea, digestive aid, loss of appetite to eat, reduction or discontinuation dose SSRI (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor: Among other drugs used for anti-depression), menstruation pain, digestive problems, increased cholesterol, fungus infections, flatulence, flu, headache, Helicobacter pylori infection, high blood pressure, immune system Stimulation, impotensi, increased absorption of drugs, increased metabolism, intestinal parasites, Kawasaki's disease, kidney problems, laxative, liver problems, low blood pressure, migraine, malaria, brace pain, respiratory, poisonous snake bites, mens smooth, Psoriasis (used on the skin), decrease in body temperature due to serotonin, accelerate the birth, tonic, stomach pain, stomach wounds, swelling on the penis, sore teeth, infection at the top of the respiratory system.